Need for Speed™

Need for Speed™
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Month Avg. Players Gain % Gain Peak Players
Last 30 Days 271.52 -0.1 -0.03% 716
August 2024 271.61 49.90 +22.51% 716
July 2024 221.71 68.60 +44.80% 536
June 2024 153.11 -130.55 -46.02% 464
May 2024 283.66 66.78 +30.79% 774
April 2024 216.88 -165.75 -43.32% 522
March 2024 382.63 49.49 +14.85% 1081
February 2024 333.15 43.00 +14.82% 907
January 2024 290.15 19.20 +7.09% 857
December 2023 270.95 32.68 +13.71% 892
November 2023 238.27 82.32 +52.79% 625
October 2023 155.95 -106.97 -40.69% 589
September 2023 262.93 171.81 +188.56% 699
August 2023 91.12 -4.64 -4.84% 166
July 2023 95.75 0.18 +0.19% 181
June 2023 95.57 -2.97 -3.01% 199
May 2023 98.54 6.18 +6.69% 209
April 2023 92.36 -1.50 -1.60% 184
March 2023 93.86 -15.14 -13.89% 199
February 2023 109.00 -71.12 -39.48% 218
January 2023 180.12 -0.65 -0.36% 459
December 2022 180.77 12.12 +7.18% 429
November 2022 168.65 0.02 +0.01% 400
October 2022 168.63 18.79 +12.54% 467
September 2022 149.84 9.31 +6.62% 410
August 2022 140.53 -15.15 -9.73% 346
July 2022 155.68 -14.01 -8.26% 310
June 2022 169.69 37.62 +28.49% 408
May 2022 132.07 15.57 +13.36% 404
April 2022 116.50 -37.68 -24.44% 266
March 2022 154.18 -41.59 -21.24% 371
February 2022 195.77 20.39 +11.62% 469
January 2022 175.39 3.94 +2.30% 416
December 2021 171.44 27.51 +19.11% 431
November 2021 143.93 -54.89 -27.61% 515
October 2021 198.83 18.87 +10.49% 621
September 2021 179.95 -60.72 -25.23% 602
August 2021 240.68 15.88 +7.06% 589
July 2021 224.80 -119.37 -34.68% 512
June 2021 344.17 209.72 +155.98% 751
May 2021 134.45 26.60 +24.67% 653
April 2021 107.85 -74.15 -40.74% 227
March 2021 182.00 -123.53 -40.43% 436
February 2021 305.52 -76.21 -19.96% 654
January 2021 381.73 106.78 +38.84% 762
December 2020 274.95 106.66 +63.38% 786
November 2020 168.29 -14.72 -8.04% 826
October 2020 183.01 43.24 +30.93% 629
September 2020 139.77 -20.25 -12.65% 405
August 2020 160.02 -81.65 -33.78% 533
July 2020 241.66 -329.24 -57.67% 640
June 2020 570.91 - - 1220
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