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Month Avg. Players Gain % Gain Peak Players
Last 30 Days 54.64 +3.1 +5.98% 211
August 2024 51.55 11.83 +29.78% 211
July 2024 39.72 5.10 +14.72% 83
June 2024 34.62 -0.74 -2.08% 76
May 2024 35.36 -12.49 -26.10% 67
April 2024 47.85 4.94 +11.52% 110
March 2024 42.90 8.32 +24.07% 91
February 2024 34.58 -15.86 -31.44% 63
January 2024 50.44 -1.27 -2.45% 123
December 2023 51.71 4.29 +9.05% 100
November 2023 47.41 -8.83 -15.70% 130
October 2023 56.24 15.18 +36.95% 170
September 2023 41.07 0.40 +0.98% 174
August 2023 40.67 -41.70 -50.63% 79
July 2023 82.37 39.45 +91.92% 165
June 2023 42.92 4.22 +10.91% 119
May 2023 38.70 -11.34 -22.66% 75
April 2023 50.04 -17.05 -25.42% 113
March 2023 67.09 18.88 +39.18% 199
February 2023 48.21 -16.61 -25.63% 95
January 2023 64.81 3.84 +6.29% 126
December 2022 60.98 8.23 +15.60% 140
November 2022 52.75 -12.73 -19.44% 106
October 2022 65.48 -21.62 -24.83% 166
September 2022 87.10 24.39 +38.89% 189
August 2022 62.71 -36.02 -36.48% 107
July 2022 98.73 -1.90 -1.89% 220
June 2022 100.63 4.82 +5.03% 251
May 2022 95.82 24.34 +34.06% 208
April 2022 71.47 -4.57 -6.01% 130
March 2022 76.04 -15.05 -16.52% 182
February 2022 91.09 -41.48 -31.29% 215
January 2022 132.58 -20.01 -13.11% 267
December 2021 152.58 5.80 +3.95% 313
November 2021 146.78 51.51 +54.06% 290
October 2021 95.28 -2.73 -2.78% 234
September 2021 98.00 -57.56 -37.00% 174
August 2021 155.56 16.41 +11.80% 364
July 2021 139.15 43.89 +46.07% 293
June 2021 95.26 18.30 +23.77% 294
May 2021 76.97 -17.31 -18.36% 125
April 2021 94.27 -37.05 -28.21% 189
March 2021 131.33 -94.51 -41.85% 461
February 2021 225.84 139.45 +161.42% 683
January 2021 86.39 -17.18 -16.59% 158
December 2020 103.57 -52.72 -33.73% 204
November 2020 156.29 -53.15 -25.38% 396
October 2020 209.44 -489.31 -70.03% 536
September 2020 698.75 - - 1540
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