暖雪 Warm Snow

暖雪 Warm Snow
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Month Avg. Players Gain % Gain Peak Players
Last 30 Days 466.67 -33.6 -6.72% 1266
August 2024 500.30 -261.57 -34.33% 1266
July 2024 761.87 -133.62 -14.92% 2208
June 2024 895.49 179.83 +25.13% 2235
May 2024 715.65 -148.73 -17.21% 1968
April 2024 864.39 -401.07 -31.69% 2216
March 2024 1265.46 -556.57 -30.55% 3493
February 2024 1822.02 -1377.61 -43.06% 4359
January 2024 3199.63 -6495.02 -67.00% 11989
December 2023 9694.65 9167.24 +1738.15% 38952
November 2023 527.41 202.78 +62.46% 2442
October 2023 324.64 -89.19 -21.55% 834
September 2023 413.82 68.83 +19.95% 1442
August 2023 344.99 -166.64 -32.57% 1004
July 2023 511.63 113.17 +28.40% 1376
June 2023 398.46 -219.61 -35.53% 981
May 2023 618.07 -68.38 -9.96% 1662
April 2023 686.45 -248.28 -26.56% 1754
March 2023 934.73 -474.94 -33.69% 2363
February 2023 1409.67 -1653.70 -53.98% 3705
January 2023 3063.38 287.94 +10.37% 9135
December 2022 2775.44 -2113.95 -43.24% 9523
November 2022 4889.38 4265.45 +683.64% 19324
October 2022 623.93 83.49 +15.45% 3460
September 2022 540.44 -178.77 -24.86% 1306
August 2022 719.21 -363.81 -33.59% 1959
July 2022 1083.02 -416.97 -27.80% 3448
June 2022 1499.99 726.90 +94.03% 5485
May 2022 773.09 -545.59 -41.37% 2229
April 2022 1318.68 -1301.70 -49.68% 3650
March 2022 2620.38 -5657.79 -68.35% 9304
February 2022 8278.18 -11648.59 -58.46% 31612
January 2022 19926.76 - - 44545
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