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Month Avg. Players Gain % Gain Peak Players
Last 30 Days 2302.61 +445.6 +23.99% 5193
August 2024 1857.05 -6.70 -0.36% 4592
July 2024 1863.75 -43.27 -2.27% 3581
June 2024 1907.02 33.65 +1.80% 3743
May 2024 1873.36 -414.37 -18.11% 4103
April 2024 2287.73 526.88 +29.92% 5779
March 2024 1760.85 -158.23 -8.25% 3499
February 2024 1919.08 -1431.19 -42.72% 3772
January 2024 3350.27 -359.84 -9.70% 6951
December 2023 3710.10 1474.69 +65.97% 7457
November 2023 2235.42 -119.11 -5.06% 4493
October 2023 2354.53 793.24 +50.81% 5286
September 2023 1561.29 -557.52 -26.31% 3277
August 2023 2118.81 -1348.23 -38.89% 5062
July 2023 3467.04 -196.92 -5.37% 7396
June 2023 3663.96 -5074.11 -58.07% 7513
May 2023 8738.07 -2757.30 -23.99% 24059
April 2023 11495.37 10141.36 +748.99% 35769
March 2023 1354.01 -339.06 -20.03% 2798
February 2023 1693.08 -330.32 -16.33% 4284
January 2023 2023.40 238.11 +13.34% 3958
December 2022 1785.29 518.84 +40.97% 3942
November 2022 1266.45 -236.18 -15.72% 2429
October 2022 1502.63 610.59 +68.45% 4057
September 2022 892.03 -627.77 -41.31% 1755
August 2022 1519.81 -590.73 -27.99% 4101
July 2022 2110.53 1169.06 +124.17% 5554
June 2022 941.48 -39.64 -4.04% 2131
May 2022 981.12 -266.93 -21.39% 2461
April 2022 1248.05 335.26 +36.73% 3493
March 2022 912.80 -179.31 -16.42% 3826
February 2022 1092.11 -81.23 -6.92% 2451
January 2022 1173.34 -1751.24 -59.88% 2333
December 2021 2924.57 - - 8822
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