Internet Cafe Simulator 2

Internet Cafe Simulator 2
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Month Avg. Players Gain % Gain Peak Players
Last 30 Days 97.35 +0.4 +0.42% 208
August 2024 96.94 -90.57 -48.30% 202
July 2024 187.51 105.38 +128.30% 507
June 2024 82.13 -81.26 -49.73% 195
May 2024 163.39 29.26 +21.81% 421
April 2024 134.13 0.99 +0.74% 354
March 2024 133.14 29.02 +27.87% 316
February 2024 104.12 -16.91 -13.97% 300
January 2024 121.03 23.77 +24.44% 283
December 2023 97.26 -5.71 -5.54% 220
November 2023 102.97 -15.57 -13.13% 299
October 2023 118.54 9.28 +8.50% 299
September 2023 109.25 -106.52 -49.37% 285
August 2023 215.78 -63.31 -22.68% 570
July 2023 279.09 138.54 +98.57% 725
June 2023 140.55 43.13 +44.28% 469
May 2023 97.41 -44.17 -31.20% 184
April 2023 141.59 19.45 +15.93% 341
March 2023 122.13 -13.70 -10.09% 349
February 2023 135.84 -71.80 -34.58% 247
January 2023 207.64 64.77 +45.33% 508
December 2022 142.87 13.48 +10.42% 341
November 2022 129.39 31.39 +32.04% 417
October 2022 97.99 -11.82 -10.77% 262
September 2022 109.82 -82.77 -42.98% 222
August 2022 192.59 44.26 +29.84% 512
July 2022 148.32 16.48 +12.50% 290
June 2022 131.84 -9.05 -6.42% 266
May 2022 140.89 -283.56 -66.81% 308
April 2022 424.45 -270.90 -38.96% 1088
March 2022 695.34 -98.79 -12.44% 1458
February 2022 794.14 -768.15 -49.17% 1351
January 2022 1562.28 - - 3497
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