Satisfactory Dedicated Server

Satisfactory Dedicated Server
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Month Avg. Players Gain % Gain Peak Players
Last 30 Days 74.91 -1.6 -2.05% 98
August 2024 76.48 -5.75 -6.99% 98
July 2024 82.23 22.22 +37.04% 101
June 2024 60.00 -5.76 -8.76% 72
May 2024 65.76 -28.97 -30.58% 95
April 2024 94.73 26.35 +38.54% 115
March 2024 68.38 -11.35 -14.24% 92
February 2024 79.73 -29.00 -26.67% 100
January 2024 108.73 -36.02 -24.88% 154
December 2023 144.74 28.42 +24.43% 224
November 2023 116.32 49.68 +74.54% 205
October 2023 66.64 8.84 +15.30% 89
September 2023 57.80 -5.09 -8.10% 75
August 2023 62.90 -19.71 -23.86% 83
July 2023 82.61 2.04 +2.53% 102
June 2023 80.57 -7.76 -8.78% 96
May 2023 88.32 -17.41 -16.47% 110
April 2023 105.73 -0.32 -0.30% 143
March 2023 106.05 -14.04 -11.69% 128
February 2023 120.10 -2.06 -1.68% 163
January 2023 122.15 -22.88 -15.78% 156
December 2022 145.03 0.81 +0.56% 194
November 2022 144.22 -29.27 -16.87% 169
October 2022 173.50 44.17 +34.15% 239
September 2022 129.33 10.47 +8.81% 224
August 2022 118.86 -22.56 -15.95% 169
July 2022 141.42 25.72 +22.23% 182
June 2022 115.70 2.96 +2.63% 161
May 2022 112.74 -14.20 -11.19% 144
April 2022 126.94 12.68 +11.09% 158
March 2022 114.26 -25.50 -18.24% 149
February 2022 139.75 -63.25 -31.16% 188
January 2022 203.01 -87.86 -30.21% 261
December 2021 290.87 92.35 +46.52% 419
November 2021 198.52 - - 360
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