One-armed cook

One-armed cook
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Month Avg. Players Gain % Gain Peak Players
Last 30 Days 443.73 -75.8 -14.59% 978
August 2024 519.53 49.96 +10.64% 978
July 2024 469.57 3.01 +0.65% 821
June 2024 466.56 33.14 +7.65% 927
May 2024 433.42 -15.84 -3.53% 1150
April 2024 449.26 -66.36 -12.87% 1058
March 2024 515.62 14.98 +2.99% 1384
February 2024 500.65 -113.23 -18.45% 1461
January 2024 613.88 80.09 +15.00% 1459
December 2023 533.79 85.38 +19.04% 2507
November 2023 448.42 -120.18 -21.14% 1125
October 2023 568.60 -34.67 -5.75% 1741
September 2023 603.26 -60.76 -9.15% 1592
August 2023 664.02 -32.37 -4.65% 1427
July 2023 696.39 47.15 +7.26% 1410
June 2023 649.24 146.66 +29.18% 1444
May 2023 502.57 -124.29 -19.83% 1128
April 2023 626.86 59.55 +10.50% 1547
March 2023 567.31 -126.79 -18.27% 1591
February 2023 694.10 24.75 +3.70% 2014
January 2023 669.35 173.53 +35.00% 2406
December 2022 495.82 -2.47 -0.50% 1506
November 2022 498.30 -5.12 -1.02% 1903
October 2022 503.41 145.80 +40.77% 2109
September 2022 357.61 - - 950
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