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Month Avg. Players Gain % Gain Peak Players
Last 30 Days 435.37 +191.3 +78.39% 1941
August 2024 244.06 -98.97 -28.85% 472
July 2024 343.03 125.53 +57.72% 732
June 2024 217.49 -126.74 -36.82% 605
May 2024 344.23 49.25 +16.70% 911
April 2024 294.98 -71.88 -19.59% 693
March 2024 366.87 -5.43 -1.46% 922
February 2024 372.29 -82.66 -18.17% 777
January 2024 454.96 -35.30 -7.20% 1014
December 2023 490.25 150.62 +44.35% 1188
November 2023 339.64 77.90 +29.76% 1255
October 2023 261.74 -55.18 -17.41% 600
September 2023 316.92 43.46 +15.89% 842
August 2023 273.46 -259.51 -48.69% 586
July 2023 532.97 295.05 +124.02% 1143
June 2023 237.92 -119.61 -33.46% 544
May 2023 357.53 39.93 +12.57% 918
April 2023 317.60 -60.73 -16.05% 758
March 2023 378.33 -35.55 -8.59% 915
February 2023 413.88 -331.68 -44.49% 933
January 2023 745.56 94.46 +14.51% 1510
December 2022 651.09 126.69 +24.16% 1349
November 2022 524.40 -497.51 -48.68% 1384
October 2022 1021.92 -1600.57 -61.03% 2943
September 2022 2622.48 - - 5604
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